Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What were they thinking?

What were they thinking?
1. The first human that ate an artichoke? Did they eat a second one? Or when they didn't die, did another human pick one up and begin to munch after thinking, "well grog didn't die"?
2. The first humans that sat down in the middle of a desert and said "this looks like a great place to raise a family"?
3. The drug researcher that thought, hmmm, Gila Monster spit, I'll bet that will be good for diabetics.
4. The Pope who thought "no one will notice my new appointee doesn't believe the holocaust happened"?
5. The designer who decided since 4 inch high heels look good, 6 inch ones with a lot of straps over the tops will look even better?
6. The person who thought kudzu was good to control erosion because it grew really fast and was impossible to eradicate?
7. The person who thought fast burning buffel grass would be great food for free range cattle?
8. Implanting 8 viable embryo was a great idea?
9. The human who heard the first fart?
10. The first person to throw a pie at someones face?
copyright 2009 vickers

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